Welcome Kathy Taylor, RN and Blue Ridge Neurotherapy to the Oconee Business Center!
Kathy has been an RN for over 40 years and a Neurotherapist since 2005. A native of CA, Kathy has been in Oconee County since 1998. Last June, after 9 1/2 years at Cherokee Creek Boys School in Westminster, SC, Kathy left with the intention of retiring. By September she was ready to jump back in and provide Neurotherapy to the community. She missed being able to help people, one on one.
Services: Neurotherapy or Neurofeedback is the direct training of brain function, through which the brain learns to function better and more efficiently. Self-regulation is the brain's core skill. Most mental dysfunctions and disorders can be understood as dysregulations. Brain dysregulation is a problem for all of us at some level. We've all taken our knocks, from the birth process on, and in the course of life we come to accept our limitations. No one knows the inherent functional competence of their own brain unless it has had a chance to train self-regulation. It's a gradual learning process known as Endogenous Neuromodulation.
We are not really treating symptoms with neurofeedback but using symptoms to help understand how the system is dysregulated. After we assess how the brain does and does not function well, we develop a treatment plan. Using sensors and special software, we measure brain activity and reflect it back to the client through a video display. When the brain sees it's own activity, it can then adjust itself for better physical or mental performance. Nothing is transmitted into the brain. The training is safe, passive, and pleasant, conducted in a recliner while viewing a large screen as you enjoy games, movies or visuals. By improving self-regulation of brain activity, clients function better, cognitively, emotionally and behaviorally.
Neurofeedback builds on your strengths and focuses on your personhood as a whole. It helps your brain find its way back to a calmer state, improving physical and mental well-being. Concentration, focus and emotional control are key to achieving optimal performance in all fields. The Veteran's Administration, NASA, professional and college sport teams have been using Neurofeedback for over a decade to enhance performance.
Website: EEGINFO.com
From Kathy: "By sheer luck I was either divinely guided or just lucky to hear about the [Oconee Business Center]. I don't even remember who gave me Dave's name and number but I called him right away and he was happy to come meet me in Walhalla and was so knowledgeable and encouraging. Since then I've had the pleasure of meeting Terry who has also been so helpful, encouraging, and patient. They taught me a couple of key business concepts that I have gratefully implemented."
